Monday, November 30, 2015

Google Smart Car

To those that have heard the phrase "You're an awful driver," may be in luck within the next few years. Google is working on a self-driving car that would take most of the pressure off humans while driving. This car uses sensors to detect objects such as people or other vehicles from up to 200 yards away. It's GPS systems allows the car to know where it is at in the world as well so it will have a better understanding of the surroundings. Google also hopes that it will have the complete ability to predict what is going to happen, such as pedestrians or animals crossing streets.

Human error is the reason for 94% of vehicle accidents in the United States. This is what is motivating Google to make a car that would be able to drive itself both efficiently and safely. If Google can assure that these vehicles are safe, I am sure there would be a huge demand for the car, although I'm sure they wouldn't be too cheap. Google already has some vehicles driving around in Texas and California. They've driven over a total of 1 million miles!

The car isn't completely perfect though. One of Google's cars was pulled over in California for driving too slow. It was going 24 mph in a 35 mph zone. There was a passenger in the car, but no one was driving it, so the officer had to explain to the passenger what the vehicle had done wrong. In the end the officer decided not to give any tickets and let the car get off free. Google has a max limit of 25 mph on these cars currently so they don't go too fast through neighborhoods and scare people. In the future when they are more well known, Google plans on allowing them to go faster.

For complete information on this vehicle, you can go to here.

Posted by Austin Eller

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