I found this article very interesting. The article talks about how people are beginning to spend more time using apps than watching TV. Obviously this can make sense since the number of mobile applications having been sky rocketing in recent years. I just find it interesting how one of America's greatest pastimes, being a couch potato with your eyes glued to the TV, could be overtaken. When I thought about it for a second, I could totally see how this is happening in my day-to-day life. My phone basically runs my life, just like most people my age, especially college students. Whenever I am walking to class I am listening to either Spotify or listening to a podcast. When I am sitting in class waiting for it to begin I am scrolling through my Twitter feed. I actually have a routine, just like most people morning routines, that I go through while I am sitting on my couch waiting to walk to class. I will first check Timehop, then check Snapchat, then scroll through my Twitter feed, then check Instagram, then finally download my podcasts for the day. Some days it's that exact order, but it is always a variation of those apps. It's crazy to think of much time you spend on apps each day. The article states that the time spent is around 3.3 hours. That is also roughly 1/8 of your day. Like the article says, it can make since that TV is becoming less popular, especially with people choosing to use Netflix or Hulu to watch their favorite shows. I know of a couple college students who have chose to go that same route to save money on utilities. Twitter has become a huge chunk of the time that apps are being used. People are always checking to see what's going on with their friends, family, and everything else in this crazy world. Hell I am even paying more attention to apps, such as Twitter, on my phone while I'm sitting in front of a TV. Fantasy football is a great example of this phenomenon. This past Sunday I had my ESPN Fantasy Football App open the whole time while I was watching all the NFL games on TV, constantly checking on my score during the game.I'll admit that I even use Twitter for my day-to-day news. That's kind of sad to admit, but news outlets on Twitter are a quick and helpful way to get information when you need it. Whether you want to admit it or not, mobile applications are taking over our lives, and this article proves so. With apps constantly growing, this occurrence will most likely continue to grow and grow.
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